Thursday, September 9, 2010

Another Treasure from

I reported a week or two ago about finding some of my New Brunswick, Canada ancestor's on .  There I found a collection of New Brunswick Death Certificates.  Today I am sharing the death certificate of my great-grandmother Annie Scott Babington Robinson.

The story that my father and aunts have told about Annie is that my grandmother, Annie's daughter, had recently become a school teacher and was living away from her family teaching school.  Her mother died unexpectedly and she left her teaching to go home and be with her family.  This death certificate verifies most of this. 

Annie died on January 15, 1921 after only one week of illness.  The cause of her death is listed as acute encephalitis.  I wonder how accurate that diagnose was given medical knowledge of that time period. 

In January of 1921, my grandmother was not quite 21 years old, just about right to be a new teacher.  Annie died at home in Cambridge, Queens, New Brunswick.  This leads me to wonder just where my grandmother had gone to teach.  I'll need to ask.

The death information was supplied by George Robinson, Annie's husband.  Annie's parents were reported as expected, James and Susana (Coyle) Babington.

The last interesting fact was the undertaker's name, Arnold Dykeman.  He was the son-in-law of George and Annie Robinson, married to their daughter Ethel Blanche.  My parents both remembered that Arnold was an undertaker in Cambridge. 

Annie Robinson died at 52 years old.  Far too young for her and her family.  I know her loss was always felt by my grandmother and no doubt her siblings as well.

Rest in peace, great-grandmother.

1 comment:

  1. is a fantastic (and free) resource. I find new and important records there every week.
